Ashtead Baptist Church

Serving Christ in the community

        The Leaders and 

     Our Vision & Purpose





Ashtead Baptist Church is a member of

the Baptist Union of Great Britain 

and the Evangelical Alliance

we are also part of

The South Eastern Baptist Association

Our Pastor is:

Rev'd Andrew Scott

Our Leaders are:

Joy Croome Secretary

Ian Grimstone Treasurer

Paul Gyoury

Ray Steptoe

Our Church Vision: 

Is to see the Great Command (to love God and love others) and the Great Commission (to make Christ known to all peoples) become a reality in the lives of believers through the outworking of the Holy Spirit.

Our Purpose as a Church is Centred on Five Core Values:-

Prophetic - Confronting evil, injustice and hypocrisy. Challenging human concepts of power, wealth status and security.

Inclusive - Transcending barriers of gender, language, race, class, age and culture. Identifying with those who are rejected, deprived and powerless. 

Sacrificial - Accepting vulnerability, and the necessity of sacrifice. Seeking to reflect the generous, life-giving nature of God.

Missionary - Demonstrating in word and action God's forgiving and healing love. Calling and enabling people to experience the love of God for themselves.

Worshipping - Engaging in worship and prayer that inspires and under-girds all that we are and all that we do. Exploring and expressing what it means to live together as the people of God, obeying His word and following Christ in the whole of daily life.




  • 192 Barnett Wood Lane
  • Ashtead
  • Surrey
  • KT21 2LW

01372 202103
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